Our Credit-based System

Our credit-based system at Streamline Mavens is a unique and innovative approach to outsourcing. You purchase a package of credits, which you can think of as tokens. These tokens can be exchanged for a variety of professional services from our diverse team.

Need a task done?

We provide an estimate in credits, and upon your approval, we set to work. You only pay for the work you need, giving you full control of your credits and tasks. This approach offers flexibility and scalability, adapting seamlessly to the ebbs and flows of your business needs.

How it Works

Request Submission

When you need a task done, you simply submit a request through our online platform. Each request is then assigned a unique ticket number for ease of tracking and reference.

Estimation & Approval

Upon receiving the ticket, our team will evaluate the task and provide an estimate of the number of credits required to complete it. This estimate is then communicated to you for approval before any work begins, ensuring full transparency and control over your credit usage.

Deduction & Task Execution

As soon as you approve the credit estimate, the corresponding credits are immediately deducted from your account, effectively reserving the resources required for your task.


When the task is fully completed, the ticket is then closed. If a task requires more credits than initially estimated due to unforeseen complexities or additional requirements, we will promptly communicate this to you and seek pre-approval before proceeding.


Ready to break free from task overload and refocus on growing your business? 

Let Streamline Mavens be your strategic empowerment. Book a call now! Your streamlined future awaits.